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The Grind Coffee House 2018: A Year In Review

The Grind Coffee House finished out 2018 strong! After buying all the products needed to operate each day, taking care of utility bills, and paying our employees, we netted a little over $14,000 in income. The plan for the first year was to set aside $10,000 as a cushion for any future equipment or repairs we may need, put $2,000 towards the new pick-up window, and the remaining $2,000 would go towards the Education Awards.

The Education Award is open to all educators at schools in the Manistique area to fund various projects, classroom resources, and educational materials. They are selected based on several criteria set by the students taking The Grind work-based learning class. Some requests funded last school year were an online accounting course, bookshelves, magnet boards, a sensory table and much more! Applications are now being accepted for the 2019-20 school year and the deadline for submission is January 15, 2020.

The Grind is the perfect example of best practices in education. Students learn about small business as they help run one. Manistique Area Schools is grateful to Limestone FCU for making this possible.

– John Shiner, Principal

Manistique Middle & High School