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CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference 2019

Credit union leaders and representatives from across the country arrived in Washington D.C.
this fall to ‘hike the hill’ meeting lawmakers to share stories about the credit union difference
and movement. The visits are an annual tradition that is part of the CUNA Governmental
Affairs Conference (GAC).

Amongst the 5,200 credit union leaders and representatives was our own Jessica Hayes and Alycia Kaiser pictured left with Dave Adams, President of the Michigan Credit Union League (who can’t wait to try the toasted marshmallow Grind coffee!).

The Hill event in Washington D.C. is a grassroots program sponsored by CUNA and the state leagues to provide credit unions with the opportunity to visit Washington to educate decision makers on credit union issues. Jessica and Alycia have been given extraordinary access to help build awareness of our credit union, initiatives, community, and our members. Credit Union House is where they saw Senator Debbie Stabenow and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib speak in support of credit unions!

On their final day, Jessica and Alycia had the privilege of meeting Representative Jack Bergman and Senator
Gary Peters who both wholeheartedly support credit unions and what they stand for. Alycia and Jessica summed up their experience by expressing that no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, being able
to come together for a common good was refreshing and much needed.

Click Here for a full PDF copy of the October Newsletter.