Limestone FCU is excited to announce a funding partnership for an Education Coordinator through MSU Extension.
This partnership began on May 1, 2023, with Schoolcraft County 4-H Program Coordinator, Jill Connin, taking on this new role for half of her position with MSU Extension. Connin has a bachelor’s degree from Northern Michigan University in Entrepreneurship and a master’s degree from Michigan State University in Family and Community Services. She is excited to get back to her roots with this new blend of educational topics for residents.
Erin Daines, MSU Extension District 2 director, is thrilled with how this partnership came together in Manistique.
“Being able to pair community partners and funders with the research-based programs of MSU Extension to improve the lives of county residents is a beautiful thing. We are absolutely thrilled to have Limestone FCU trust us to deliver financial literacy and entrepreneurship education to young people in Schoolcraft County,” says Daines.
Connin has previously split her time between coordinating 4-H programs and nutrition education through Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program funds. MSU Extension leadership is currently working on a solution to continue providing nutrition education programs to the residents of Schoolcraft County.
“Partnering with MSU Extension will elevate our youth education efforts, providing area youth additional programming, and a wealth of resources designed to provide students financial literacy and entrepreneurial education”, says Jennifer Watson, CEO, Limestone FCU.
Limestone FCU has a long history of actively participating in youth financial literacy, and in recent years a focus on youth entrepreneurial ventures. This partnership brings a unique collaboration between MSU Extension, 4-H, and a member-owned financial institution, the first of its kind in the State of Michigan. Limestone FCU is excited to pave the way for future partnership opportunities looks forward to growing this program under Jill’s direction.
For more information on the partnership between Limestone FCU and MSU Extension or on future financial literacy and entrepreneurial education, contact our main branch at 906-341-3118.