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Partnership Announcement with SineTech LLC

Phishing, Vishing, Spoofing, Robocalls, Ransomware, TechSupport, Computer Takeover…Do these terms have your head spinning? Did we lose you at Phishing and Vishing? You’re not alone! Today’s scammers are well versed in the world of technology and use our lack of knowledge to gain access to our devices, and in some cases, our bank accounts.

Our newest partnership with SineTech LLC, a local IT and CyberSecurity service provider in Manistique, will provide our members with access to experienced technicians who can help members navigate through these situations.

Mike Hoar, owner of SineTech LLC, says, “SineTech has helped many of our friends and neighbors to overcome being victimized by cyber criminals.  The simple truth is that every week someone in our community becomes a cyber fraud victim and loses thousands of dollars.  Most of these people never thought it could happen to them.  LFCU provides a variety of resources to help members recognize these scams.  Please take advantage of these tools to protect yourself.”

 As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! To further assist members, we have created a suite of products, assessments, and informative sessions to help members get in front of this national crisis. We invite and encourage LFCU and community members to attend the upcoming events to combat and prevent potential scams.


Please contact LFCU via phone or text at 906-341-5866 by 1/20/2022 to sign up!

In addition to partnering with Sinetech LLC, we also partnered with KNOWBE4, the world’s most popular integrated platform for security awareness training, which offers short training sessions intended to help increase awareness. This training can be accessed within our mobile app or online banking free of charge.   

 Jennifer Watson shares “We are pleased with the opportunity to continue to expand benefits to our membership. Reducing fraud within our membership helps to further our vision of empowering members to achieve financial independence.” 

To stay up to date with events, news, and products continue to visit our website and follow us on Facebook by clicking here.